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The Law, What Is Going On?


Second Amendment Constitutionalists of Florida, Inc.

March 2025                                                                                                                                                         Bulletin 1

The Law, What Is Going On?

Florida State Level


We are as always trying to get the “Red Flag” law repealed. Well this year there was a brief moment of hope when HB 31 was introduced by State Rep. Joel Rudman. Well our hope faded when Rep. Rudman stepped down so that he could run in a Special Election to replace former U.S. Rep. Mat Gaetz. As a consequence of Rep. Rudman stepping down HB 31 was withdrawn. There was some talk about another Representative sponsoring this Bill but nothing materialized.


Since Ben Albritton the President of the Florida Senate has come out in opposition to HB 31 it is unlikely that this bill will be resurrected in committee during the current session of the Florida Legislature.


So what other firearms related bills are being proposed for this session?




The following bills are as expected all anti-gun bills. These types of bills are filed at every year’s Legislative session. They are the collection of feel good bills that the gun grabbing Democrats file to satisfy their gun hating constituents. In the past none have gotten out of committee. While the same should be true this year we still need to be alert.



Sales of Ammunition: Requires background checks for sale or transfer of ammunition.


Last Event: 1st Reading on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 8:01 PM


HB 1019/HB 1096/SB 252


Weapons and Firearms: Citing this act as the “Responsible Gun Ownership Act”; requiring background checks on all persons involved in a firearm sale or other transfer; specifying requirements for firearm sales or transfers through licensed dealers; providing criminal penalties; prohibiting certain actions leading to the manufacture or assembly, sale, importing, purchasing, offering for sale, or transfer of a firearm not imprinted with a valid serial number, etc.


Last Event: 03/04/25 S Introduced on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 6:54 PM



Offenses Involving Firearms with Bump Stocks: Revises definition of term "machine gun" for purposes of firearm statutes.


Last Event: Now in Criminal Justice Subcommittee on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 3:50 PM





Carrying Concealed Weapons and Firearms in Courthouses: Revising the list of places into which a person may not carry a handgun or a concealed weapon or concealed firearm to allow judges and magistrates to carry concealed weapons and concealed firearms into any courthouse in the circuit in which they serve in such capacity, etc.


Last Event: 03/04/25 S Introduced on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 6:54 PM



Minimum Age for Firearm Purchase or Transfer: Reduces minimum age to 18 at which person may purchase firearm & age of purchasers to which specified licensees are prohibited from selling or transferring firearm.


Last Event: Now in Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 6:58 PM


CS/HB 1021/SB 1248


Carrying of Handguns or Weapons by Law Enforcement Officers Attending Athletic Events: Provides exception to prohibition on carrying of handguns or concealed weapons or firearms at athletic events if person holds an active certification as law enforcement officer & is attending as private citizen.

Last Event: Now in Judiciary Committee on Friday, March 14, 2025 1:02 PM


National Level



There way too many bad bill before Congress.  There are too many to list here.  None of these bills are expected to get out of committee while the Republicans are in charge. If you would like to look at them or track them go to  and enter search terms such as ‘guns’; ‘firearms’; or ‘ammunition’.




H.R.38 — 119th Congress (2025-2026)

Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act: This bill establishes a federal statutory framework to regulate the carry or possession of concealed firearms across state lines.


Last Action: House - 01/03/2025 Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. 


H.R.221 — 119th Congress (2025-2026)

Abolish the ATF Act: This bill abolishes the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.


Last Action: House - 01/07/2025 Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.


H.R.335 - 119th Congress (2025-2026) 

Repeal the NFA Act: To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the National Firearms Act.


Last Action: House - 01/13/2025 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.


Now take ACTION on these bills by letting your representatives, on the State and Federal level, know the bills you support and the ones you don’t via phone calls, postcards and letters.


Published by

The Second Amendment Constitutionalists of Florida, Inc.

P.O. Box 17335

West Palm Beach, FL 33416-7335

Tel. 561-310-4292 Website –

David Wood Editor



Copyright © 2023

The Second Amendment Constitutionalists of Florida Inc.

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